How does the world IMPACT us? How do we IMPACT the world?
Developed by past youth worker, Jess Suisted, IMPACT is an effective tool to engage young people in activities and discussions about the environment, sustainability, global and local issues, and their unique purpose.
IMPACT consists of 40 sessions, divided into 4 topics; Global Citizens, Sustainability, Global Issues and Purpose. Each topic has a workbook for participants that can be used to reflect on their learning. IMPACT can be facilitated as a year-long programme or each topic as a standalone 10 week programme.
We highly recommend this resource to youth workers, teachers or anyone wanting to explore the world’s IMPACT on us and our IMPACT on the world with young people.
“There is a fantastic range of topics covered over the year and opportunities for the students to put what they learn into action and in the process, develop good leadership skills at home and at school… The great thing about this programme is that even though we learn about a lot of different big issues, we are not challenged by them to be weighed down or feel like we have to solve those issues; we are challenged to learn and then choose our response once we are informed. None of us can solve the big issues by ourselves but each of us can make a difference if we choose to.”
Hannah Cossey, Youth Worker and IMPACT Facilitator
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